Case : 42 year female complaint of ear pain

 Note: This is an online E Log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patient's  de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

D .Sri Charan 28

Case report : 

A 85 year old male 

Cheif Complaint:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month ago , the patient developed c/o pain in both sides of chest since 1 month with diminction of vision in left eye . He was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back and developed blebs in RT LL . F/B cellulitis . Then same thing happened for Lt.LL after 6 months then he developed HTN .

Patient A/H/O slip and fall in bathroom . 

C/O pain in the left groin Regoin 

Difficulty to stand and bear weight over Lt.LL .

He developed pain and sudden onset and progressive , continuous pain and aggregated pain with attempt to movement of LtLL 

History of Present Illness :

H/O use of analgesics Medication 8years back and got diagnosed with AkT 4 years back . Then stopped using Analgesics . 

Skin Grafting for medial aspect of both legs . 

History of Past illness : 

K/C/O HTN since 2 1/2 years . 

No K/C/O DM , TB , Asthma , Thyroid

Local Examination: LThigh


Skin - N 

No obvious swelling 

Palpation : 

Tenderness + over proximal 1/3 Lt.thigh

Local rise of temperature .

Active toe and ankle movements + 

Sensations + 

General Examination: 

Patient was Conscious, Coherent and Cooperative.

Vitals :

BP : 120/90 

PR : 94 bpm


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