49 M chest pain since 3 months

 C/O chest pain since 3 months 

History of presenting illness-

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back he then complained of chest pain which was sudden in onset, stabbing type of pain, non radiating, aggravated by emotional stress and fear. No relieving factors. 

Associated with shortness of breadth

Not associated with sweating.

Past history-

H/O renal calculi since 10 years 

N/k/C/O - DM, HTN, epilepsy, TB, asthma, CAD, CVD 

No H/O - surgeries 

Family history- 

Not significant 

Personal history- 

Diet- mixed 

Appetite- normal 

Bowel and bladder movements- regular 

Sleep- adequate 

Addiction - occasional alcoholic - not addicted 

Toddy weekly once 


Temp- afebrile 

Pulse rate - 94bpm 

Respiratory rate- 16cpm 

Blood pressure- 120/90 mm hg 

General examination- 

Patient consent was taken 

Patient was conscious,coherent , cooperative 

Moderately built, moderately nourished 

No pallor 

No icterus 

No cyanosis 

No clubbing 

No lymphadenopathy 

No edema


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