14 M with cough and cold since 1 week

 14 M with chief complaints of cough and cold since 1 week 

Telangana PaJR

History of presenting illness :

Patient was apparently asymptotic 1 week back then he developed cough and cold . Cough is productive type and sputum is white in colour and associated with chest pain while coughing since 1 day and body pains since 3 days 

Not associated with fever 

Past history;

No similar complaints in the past

H/o dengue 3 years back 

H/o blood transfusion in view of low platelet count 

N/k/c/o - dm ,htn ,epilepsy,tb cvd , cad, asthama 

Personal history ; 

Diet ; mixed

Appetite ; normal 

Bowel and bladde movements ; regular 

Sleep ; adequate 

No addictions 


 temp : afebrile 

 Pulse  ; 100 bpm 

B p ; 120/80mm hg 

General examination

Patient’s consent was taken 

Patient was examined In a well lit room. 

He was conscious, coherent , cooperative 

No pallor 

No icterus 

No cyanosis 

No clubbing 

No lymphadenopathy 

No edema


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